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  • Precise Cut Line (PCL): A precise cutting line without the need for pre-adjustment, thanks to skillfully positioned LED lights
  • Rotating table with fast and accurate adjustment
  • Smooth start for long operational life
  • Depth stop for easy groove making
  • Efficient dust collection through a dust funnel
Article number: 613305000
Barcode: 4061792218307
Brand: Metabo

Външен диаметър на диска (mm)
305 mm
Outer disc diameter (mm)
305 mm
Вътрешен диаметър на диска (mm)
30 mm
Inner disc diameter (mm)
30 mm
Дълбочина на рязане (mm)
0 mm
Дълбочина на рязане (mm)
110 mm
Cutting depth (mm)
0 mm
Cutting depth (mm)
110 mm
Дължина на кабела (m)
2 m
Cable length (m)
2 m
Зъби на диска
56 бр.
Disc teeth (pcs.)
56 pcs
Макс. обороти без натоварване (min-1)
3700 min-1
Maximum no- load speed (min-1)
3700 min-1
Макс. скорост на рязане (m/s)
59 m/s
Maximum cutting speed (m/s)
59 m/s
Макс. широчина на обработвания детайл (mm)
305 mm
Maximum workpiece width (mm)
305 mm
Номинална мощност (W)
1600 W
Rated input power (W)
1600 W
Номинална мощност S1 100% (W)
1600 W
Rated input power s1 100% (W)
1600 W
Номинална мощност S6 20% (W)
2000 W
Rated input power s6 20% (W)
2000 W
Номинално захранващо напрежение (V)
230 V
Rated voltage (V)
230 V
Тип захранване
Rated voltage type
Corded - Electrical Grid
Широчина на рязане (mm)
305 mm
Cutting width (mm)
305 mm
Макс. широчина на рязане 90°/45° (mm)
305/215 mm
Maximum cutting width @ 90° / 45° (mm)
305/215 mm
Накланяне на диска ляво/дясно (°)
47/47 °
Saw blade tilt left / right (°)
47/47 °
  • The largest circular saw with mobile class M pull-out - lightweight, precise and convenient

  • Precision Cut Line (PCL): Accurate shadow cutting line without the need for pre-setting thanks to skillfully positioned LED lights

  • Huge cutting performance thanks to the extremely powerful universal motor and large circular blade

  • Rotating table with quick and precise adjustment of the most common angles through fixed points

  • Tilting of the circular blade in both directions up to 47° for maximum versatility

  • Reliable construction made of pressure die-cast aluminum for highest requirements

  • Efficient dust extraction through built-in dust funnel

  • Smooth start for long service life of the motor and gearbox

  • Stepless extendable table extensions with possibility of removal when processing long workpieces

  • Quick clamping device for secure fixing of the workpiece from above or in front

  • Depth stop for easy making grooves

  • All functional elements and scales have good visibility and are easily accessible

  • Ergonomic gripping zones for one-handed or two-handed carrying

  • Features
    Main characteristics
    Външен диаметър на диска (mm) 305 mm
    Outer disc diameter (mm) 305 mm
    Вътрешен диаметър на диска (mm) 30 mm
    Inner disc diameter (mm) 30 mm
    Дълбочина на рязане (mm) 0 mm - 110 mm
    Cutting depth (mm) 0 mm - 110 mm
    Дължина на кабела (m) 2 m
    Cable length (m) 2 m
    Макс. обороти без натоварване (min-1) 3700 min-1
    Maximum no- load speed (min-1) 3700 min-1
    Номинална мощност (W) 1600 W
    Rated input power (W) 1600 W
    Номинално захранващо напрежение (V) 230 V
    Rated voltage (V) 230 V
    Тип захранване Мрежово
    Rated voltage type Corded - Electrical Grid
    Additional characteristics
    Зъби на диска 56 бр.
    Disc teeth (pcs.) 56 pcs
    Макс. скорост на рязане (m/s) 59 m/s
    Maximum cutting speed (m/s) 59 m/s
    Макс. широчина на обработвания детайл (mm) 305 mm
    Maximum workpiece width (mm) 305 mm
    Номинална мощност S1 100% (W) 1600 W
    Rated input power s1 100% (W) 1600 W
    Номинална мощност S6 20% (W) 2000 W
    Rated input power s6 20% (W) 2000 W
    Широчина на рязане (mm) 305 mm
    Cutting width (mm) 305 mm
    Макс. широчина на рязане 90°/45° (mm) 305/215 mm
    Maximum cutting width @ 90° / 45° (mm) 305/215 mm
    Накланяне на диска ляво/дясно (°) 47/47 °
    Saw blade tilt left / right (°) 47/47 °
    Circular disc "Precision cut wood - classic" 305x30 Z56 1 pc.
    Integrated table extensions 2 pcs.
    Longitudinal stopper 1 pc.
    Clamp 1 pc.
    Disk replacement tool 1 pc.
    Cable holder 1 pc.
    Dust collecting bag 1 pc.
    Presenter Download
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