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  • The generator has thermal protection, which protects it from overload and damage.
  • Automatically regulates engine speed according to the load, which provides fuel savings
  • There are two operating modes for more significant fuel economy
  • ECO - when its full power is needed
  • MAX - the user has all the power
  • Low Oil alarm system automatically stops the engine
Article number: 090107
Barcode: 3800972023352
Brand: Raider Power Tools

The RD-GG11 generator is an easily portable power source away from the mains, in field conditions, and is also a necessary backup source for the home and villa, especially in areas with problematic power supply, including low voltage current.

  • The RD-GG11 generator is powered by a four-stroke gasoline internal combustion engine. Its working volume is 53.5 cm³. Engine cooling is air

  • It has a compact but at the same time strong plastic body

  • Ignition of the engine is done by pulling the starter rope

  • Features intelligent engine speed control with increasing load and vice versa

  • The machine is equipped with four elastic rubber feet, which absorb a significant amount of vibration and do not allow the generator to move arbitrarily during operation

  • The generator is suitable for powering computers and other precision equipment

  • The oil that is suitable for the generator is: SAE 10W-30 or SAE 15W40

  • Features
    Main characteristics
    Мощност на генератора (kW) 1 kW
    Rated generator power output (kW) 1 kW
    Подавано напрежение (V) 230 V
    Dc output (V) 230 V
    Предназначение Компютри и прецизна техника
    Application For computers and other precision technique
    Тип захранване Бензиново
    Rated voltage type Gasoline
    Клас на защита IP23M
    Protection class IP23M
    Additional characteristics
    Брой изводи 1
    Number of outputs 1
    Брой контакти 1
    Number of plugs 1
    Капацитет на резервоара (l) 4 l
    Tank capacity (l) 4 l
    Ниво на звукова мощност (dB) 93 dB
    Sound power level (dB) 93 dB
    Работен обем на двигателя (cm³) 53.5 cm³
    Engine capacity (cm³) 53.5 cm³
    Тип гориво Бензиново
    Fuel type Gasoline
    Система за запалване Ръчно
    Ignition system Manual
    Presenter Download
    User manual Download
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