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  • Handle for transportation
  • Voltmeter
  • AC output
  • DC output
  • Manually start the engine
Article number: 129941
Barcode: 3800123120213
Brand: Raider Power Tools

Raider machines are widespread in the professional construction industry as well. The range of tools offered can meet the needs of every user, depending on the requirements and scale of work.

The RD-GG03 Gasoline Generator is primarily intended for stationary use in places that are completely devoid of electricity. It is suitable for emergency supply of villas, single-family houses, small offices, construction sites. It also finds application where it is necessary to use electrical machines and tools but there is no access to electricity.

The RD-GG03 features:

  • 6.7hp engine power

  • Features
    Main characteristics
    Мощност на генератора (kW) 5 kW
    Rated generator power output (kW) 5 kW
    Подавано напрежение (V) 230 V
    Dc output (V) 230 V
    Предназначение Обща употреба
    Application General Use
    Тип захранване Бензиново
    Rated voltage type Gasoline
    Additional characteristics
    Брой изводи 3
    Number of outputs 3
    Брой контакти 2
    Number of plugs 2
    Капацитет на резервоара (l) 25 l
    Tank capacity (l) 25 l
    Консумация на гориво (g/kWh) 325 g/kWh
    Fuel consumption (g/kWh) 325 g/kWh
    Ниво на звукова мощност (dB) 96 dB
    Sound power level (dB) 96 dB
    Работен обем на двигателя (cm³) 389 cm³
    Engine capacity (cm³) 389 cm³
    Тип гориво Бензиново
    Fuel type Gasoline
    Система за запалване Ръчно
    Ignition system Manual
    Presenter Download
    User manual Download
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